SOS Domestic Abuse Projects has a brand new project working to provide specific support to people from ethnic minority communities in Southend. Funded by the DCLG, the year-long Ethnic Minority project is working to:
– raise awareness in the local community of issues affecting ethnic minority communities, such as forced marriage, so-called ‘honour’ based violence, female genital mutilation and domestic abuse.
– support individuals and families affected by these issues.
We are aware that women from ethnic minority communities are less likely to ask statutory services for help, and that language barriers, social exclusion, racism and being unaware of their options or their rights can stop women asking for help. Specific issues affecting ethnic minority women include:
– immigration control by their abuser
– financial abuse or control
– using religion to control women
– being blamed for being too westernised
– being prevented from integrating into society, such as not being allowed to attend courses or get a job
Women and families contacting us for help will receive support from a dedicated Ethnic Minority Domestic Abuse Practitioner, trained and experienced in supporting people from ethnic minorities. A translation service is available, and the Practitioner is able to advocate for women on their behalf with people such as the council and housing providers.
Our Ethnic Minority service is free, independent and confidential. If you would like to learn more, please contact us on 01702 302333.